Posts Tagged ‘How I Met Your Mother’

Things I Like #29: Using NCAA-Style Brackets for Things Other Than NCAA Basketball

March 26, 2009

While nothing can compare to the actual NCAA brackets, I always enjoy the random other brackets that people come up with this time of year.  People LOVE brackets.  Put anything in a bracket and people will get into it.  They will offer analysis and make picks and everything.  Try it sometime.  You’ll see.  Here are three shining examples of brackets that have nothing to do with sports:

1) Barney’s Women Slept With: Although not from this year, I saw this classic HIMYM episode the other night.  It features not only the real tournament bracket, but a bracket of the women that Barney has slept with.  And a drunk debate as they fill it out.  Incredible.

2) Best Week Ever’s 90s Movies: Another great one.  I counted yesterday and I haven’t seen 37 of the 64 movies… but still, my personal shortcomings don’t shouldn’t discourage the acknowledgement of  great bracket usage.

3) Colin Cowherd’s Cereal:  This is a perfect example of the “put anything into a bracket and people will love it” bracket.  ESPN Radio personality Colin Cowherd created a cereal bracket (to prove that very point) and had people vote online to determine the winner of each matchup.  In the final, Cheerios narrowly beat out Frosted Flakes to claim the title of Herd Breakfast Bracket Champion.  Check out the results here to see how your favorite cereal did:

CBS Monday Night In Brief

November 25, 2008

If you haven’t seen CBS Monday night before, give it a try.  It is hilarious.  I used just about all of the brain juice I have left on that eloquent expose about The Hills, so here’s a brief recap of tonight’s action:

Big Bang Theory: Nerds make terrible wingmen.  They also create lots of awkward situations.  But the girl across the hall is pretty cute.

How I Met Your Mother:  Two words (times two): Naked Man.  Do it.

Two and Half Men: Even tough guys have feelings.