Posts Tagged ‘State Office Building’

Blogging from the Capitol!

March 31, 2009

Ok, I’m not really in the Capitol.  I’m across the street in the State Office Building (affectionately referred to as the “SOB”), sitting in on the K-12 Finance Committee hearing.

Right now we’re hearing a bill about increasing scholarships grants to high school kids who graduate early.  Well that just finished, and next up is another bill about a grant program.

However, the bill before this one gave a shout out to AmeriCorps, so I figured I’d mention it… when I heard the conversation turn to AmeriCorps I said to myself, “that is totally going in my blog.”  The bill is HF 1046 and it increases funding for the Minnesota Reading Corps.  I know I know not Promise Fellows, but still… AmeriCorps!  What up!